If you have diabetes, you have probably wondered why diabetic patients refuse to follow the recommended diet and exercise guidelines. Most of these patients are overweight and do not engage in adequate physical activity. However, this doesn’t mean that they do not need to do anything to improve their condition. In fact, many diabetics fail to follow the dietary guidelines, and this can lead to complications. In this article, we will look at some reasons why diabetic patients may not want to exercise or eat right.
People with diabetes should plan their meals according to their insulin and blood glucose levels. Often, this requires following a “fixed regimen.” People who take insulin must eat at the same time every day. Those on intensive insulin therapy have more flexibility around meal timing and may not experience low blood glucose levels. A balanced diet will improve blood sugar levels. And patients who exercise and eat right should not skip meals.
The best way to prevent hypoglycemia is to eat a balanced meal one hour before you exercise. A balanced meal should contain 30g high-fiber carbohydrates, 3-4oz lean protein, and five to 10g of healthy fats. It should also contain two servings of non-starchy vegetables. Serving size is one cup of raw or half cup of cooked vegetables. For example, a turkey sandwich with lettuce and sliced sugar snap peas could be a healthy and nutritious meal.